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MCA Balancer

Kategorie: Sonstiges
Datum: 01.07.2010
Uploader: Thoronador
Autor: Majed
This mod for Morrowind Comes Alive 5.2 significantly reduces the MCA bandit attacks inside towns. This tweak works without reducing the spawn chance of merchants, beggars and drunkyards in the mca_ex_other leveled list.
It also tweaks the levels when each bandit type appears. Tougher enemys now appear at higher player levels.

Random loot has been significantly reduced, with the exception of Bloodmoon leveld lists. High end equipment such as (enchanted) daedric and ebony weapons/armor should also be less common now.

Requirements: Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Morrowind Comes Alive 5.2
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MCA Balancer 5 KB 7.1 MB 1450

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